Coming Soon

This site is just a placeholder. In the mean time my (infrequently updated) blog is available in the social links below.

Calibre AutoUpdate

I use Calibre for managing eBooks that I have got from outside the Amazon Kindle store, and for backing up the books I have bought from Amazon. It has always irritated me that it does not autoupdate, and the update process involves downloading a DMG and copying from there. I finally got annoyed enough with it to do something.

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Embedded Font Support and ICEPdf

From Embedded Font Support and ICEPdf

ICEpdf Open Source

ICEpdf Open Source uses java.awt.Font when reading system font files for substitution. ICEpdf Open Source, by default, disables using java.awt.Font for reading embedded font files, because a malformed font file can crash the JVM. The system property org.icepdf.core.awtFontLoading=true can be set to enable java.awt.Font embedded font loading.

This will not work if the font embedded in the PDF is only a subset. It took far too long to figure this out.



Started playing with this today, Contractual brings the concept of Interfaces and Abstract classes to Ruby. I’d started trying to implement this based on an article by Mark Bates , before spotting this gem (ignore the pun) in the comments.

Twitter Favourites to List

Along with updating to use the latest version of the Twitter Ruby Gem, which now requires authentication, I’ve merged the “Twitter Favourites to The Hit List” and “Twitter Favourites to Reminders” into a single script. This model is more manageable in the future and allows additional applications to be added as configuration options.

Twitter Favourites to List now requires some extra configuration options, one of which determines which application the TODO item will be created in. This script, and the required documentation is now on GitHub here : Twitter Favourites to List. The two previous versions of this script have been removed.