Getting Started With Apache Ivy


As noted in the introduction to this series, I wanted to learn a bit about how Ivy worked as a dependency management system integrating with Ant.

The logical starting point here is the Ivy Tutorial, but there are many broken areas of the Quick Start page which make it difficult to follow. It also heavily relies on just inspecting the sample code available as part of the Ivy source code, instead of explaining it in any depth as part of the tutorial.

This and the next part of the series will build up a basic project with a REST service using CDI to inject a cache manager, will all of our code as part of the same module.

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Jenkins CLI and the Credentials Plugin

A few months ago I was working on a project which involved building an application estate on the AWS platform, with all the infrastructure scripted using CloudFormation. Part of this included a Jenkins server for building and deploying the applications.

This Jenkins instance was an EC2 server, and part of the install process was using the cloud-init definitions to include plugins if they were not already installed, as well as adding the Jenkins jobs themselves.

One thing I was trying to get working, and failed on, was using the Jenkins CLI to configure the credentials plugin. Each attempt to run a command would have the same result, a return code of “255” with no errors displayed on the client.

MacBook:temp dhutchison$ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://procent.local:8080 -auth jenkinsuser:supersecurepassword list-credentials system::system::jenkins
MacBook:temp dhutchison$ echo $?

I revisited this the other day, and encountered the same issue when using a fresh Jenkins docker image and configuring it through the quick start wizard. After a bit of investigation, the solution to this was frustratingly simple.

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