Modernising the Experiments Project - Containerisation and Code Coverage Improvements

Wow, it’s been over 4 years since the last post in this series. At that point I had hit all the key features that I thought I needed to learn for an upcoming project, and then moved on to other things. Now I’m coming up to some work where I may need this sample application for looking into aspects of OpenTelemetry - so it is time for some updates.

The microprofile-experiments project was really out of date. This PR brings the project up to the latest versions of most dependencies, but also includes some notable improvements.

The PR looks bigger than the changes really are however, mostly due to a combination of the javax to jakarta namespace change and the code formatter setup altering the expected import order.


Previously this project built a war file and used the Payara Micro maven plugin to run the application, including for running integration tests.

This now includes a Dockerfile and uses the Docker maven plugin to build this container image as part of the Maven package lifecycle phase. This packaging setup is more akin to what I do day-to-day, and shows how we can run integration tests against a containerised applications ahead of their deployment. This also should allow me to in future swap out the MicroProfile application server without requiring to change the test setup (in theory).

Building container images as part of the maven lifecycle is easy using this plugin (plus the documentation for it is pretty good)




Note that this is only a sample Dockerfile, based off the amazoncorretto:17-alpine base image. This is not meant to be an example of a minimised and hardened image - your requirements will likely vary, but the general principle that the less the image contains, the less scope there is for vulnerabilities usually applies.

Integration Test Coverage

When we used the Payara Micro Maven plugin this project added a jacoco agent to the running Payara Micro instance by customising the java command line options to include a -javaagent, which was configured to write to a local file.

With a Docker setup this gets a little bit more complicated, as we do not want to:

  • include the Jacoco agent in the “production” image build
  • encounter issues with file permissions for the capture file
  • keep the container running after the tests have complete to be able to capture coverage information after all the tests - I’ve seen issues with this before (especially with plugin lifecycle inheritance) that can make this painful and modifying the lifecycle can cause containers to be left running after failures

In this example project I use the Testcontainers library to manage running the container as part of the JUnit integration tests. To avoid starting and stopping containers for every test, this uses the manual container lifecycle control approach where each of our integration tests extends a common AbstractBaseIT class. This has two main parts to it.


The container setup is performed once by a static block that starts up our container.

import org.testcontainers.containers.BindMode;
import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;
import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.Wait;
import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;
import io.restassured.RestAssured;


    static final GenericContainer<?> API_CONTAINER;
    static {

        API_CONTAINER = new GenericContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("devwithimagination/microprofile-experiments:latest"))
            .withExposedPorts(8080, 6300)
            .withFileSystemBind("./target/jacoco-agent", "/opt/jacoco/agent", BindMode.READ_ONLY)
            .withEnv("JAVA_OPTS", "-javaagent:/opt/jacoco/agent/org.jacoco.agent-runtime.jar=output=tcpserver,address=*,port=6300")
            .withEnv("PAYARA_OPTS", "--noHazelcast");


        /* Setup the base URL for RestAssured */
        final String baseUrl = "http://" + API_CONTAINER.getHost() + ":" + API_CONTAINER.getMappedPort(8080) + "/experiments/data/";

        RestAssured.baseURI = baseUrl;


The GenericContainer definition contains a few key steps:

  • .waitingFor defines that startup should wait on the container to reach a healthy state (based on the MicroProfile health endpoint), waiting for a maximum of 60 seconds (the default, which can be changed as required)
  • . withFileSystemBind mounts a volume into the container to include the Jacoco agent file. The maven-dependency-plugin is used in the pom.xml file to copy this agent into this location (without a version number) for ease of use. This removes our need to build this agent into the container image.
  • .withEnv("JAVA_OPTS" sets the JAVA_OPTS environment variable exposed by the container to allow the Jacoco agent to be set. This is configured to run on port 6300 in the container which is also exposed

Capture Coverage

A captureCoverage method that runs after all tests in a single test file. There currently is no test lifecycle hook that is called after every test has completed, only for after a single test or a single test class (we use the latter here).

import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;

    static void captureCoverage() throws IOException {

        ExecDumpClient jacocoClient = new ExecDumpClient();
        ExecFileLoader dump = jacocoClient.dump(API_CONTAINER.getHost(), API_CONTAINER.getMappedPort(6300)); File("./target/coverage-reports/jacoco-it.exec"), true);


This uses a Jacoco client class (provided by the org.jacoco:org.jacoco.core library) to contact a port on the running container to get the coverage information, and update a file with the new information. This appends to the existing file, so each test cases ran adds coverage. As this file is cleaned between test runs, nothing from a previous run should persist.

Developer Usability


This is a minor usability point, but I’ve long accepted that the Java setup on my laptop should never be considered consistant or stable. I know there are ways to switch between versions, but I always forget the commands for these and end up needing to look them up every time. I do the majority of my Java development in VSCode these days, so the project now contains a devcontainer definition. This ensures the correct Java version is installed, maven and docker-in-docker are available, and a number of VSCode plugins are configured.

I read recently that IntelliJ had added support for devcontainers, but it only appears to be available in the Ultimate edition and not the community edition.

Code Formatting

The project now uses a number of plugins (based on the OSS Quickstart Archetype) to ensure the code is formatted a certain way. There are some aspects of this that are not the way I would usually format my code, but from doing plenty of Python development in recent years I’ve grown to accept the role of opinionated code formatters - all that really matters is that the end code is in a consistent format.

These plugins are:

Next Steps?

Well that is the project is a better state for the next few years. I’ll likely be experimenting with OpenTelemetry next (at least on the Java side of my tinkering).